Pond's Flawless White and Pond's Age Miracle

I have a confession to make: I cringe internally whenever I receive face care products to review. Why? Because each new product holds a potential for breaking me out, and sometimes, I have so many to review that my face does not have time to rest or recover from the most recent pimple spree. It's not all negative though. Sometimes I hit the jackpot and find a product that works so well, so perfectly, that it alone is worth all the reckless product sampling that came before it.

I've already mentioned a few times that I am in love with the Pond's White Beauty Cream (in the tube). It evens out my skin, moisturizes it without the oiliness, and gives me a visible glow that I don't see in other products of its sort. I've been using it for two years now and it has been consistent in giving me nice skin.

Little did I know that its more expensive sister, the Flawless White Visible Whitening Day Cream, is even better!

Like the White Beauty, Flawless White also has that slightly moussey texture. My face absorbs it quickly, leaving a smooth, non-oily finish. The effect was pretty quick. It was night when I first used it, so imagine my surprise when I was greeted by better skin in the morning. I've been using it twice a day since! I loooooove it.

Flawless White and Age Miracle. Notice the difference in texture.

I didn't break out at all. Flawless White's formula similar to White Beauty's - the texture and effect on my skin is almost the same - but I think that it's more concentrated and refined, hence the bigger price tag.

It used to cost P400 (50ml) and P385 (30ml) but now it's just P229 and P199 respectively. Cheap!

Of course, I also tried Age Miracle. It's formulated for dry, mature skin that needs heavy moisturizing, so my face felt uncomfortable and greasy when I used it. I'm only 22, so I don't need a heavy cream like this one yet! I would recommend this to more mature women who are already concerned about wrinkles forming and skin sagging, as the dense formula of Age Miracle should be enough to provide your skin's daily moisturizing needs.

I don't have info yet on how much this costs, but I reckon it's around the same price neighborhood as Flawless White.

Pond's is a brand that I personally trust my face with, but I read in some forums and heard from friends that some of its products break them out. I can't tell you if it will work for you or not, but I think that the brand is worth trying out. It's so cheap after all, and who knows what you'll discover! I stumbled upon my fave White Beauty cream accidentally, and I've been a loyalist ever since, that is, until I stumbled upon the Flawless White day cream. Haha!

So, what do you think? Are you using Pond's? What's your personal favorite?

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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Dinner with the POC Girls