Quick preview of my Levi's jeans

Busy day today. I need to buy stocks for the store, so I will be off in the far-off north today. I live at The Fort, which to me is pretty south already. Huhu.

In the meantime, here's a pic of my new Levi's. This is from their new line specifically designed to fit your curves. We were told that this would be launched in September, but I actually saw this in the Levi's Store in Market! Market! So yeah you can check these out already. 

I guess it would be redundant to say that I love the fit eh? More info about this as soon as I get back!

Wait wait, here's what I wore that day. The dress is cute as a shirt no? Heavy though.



Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Cheap finds: Marionnaud Blush Brush


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