Commenter of the month winner, and December gift
Saturday, and I finally have time to settle down and pick the commenter of the month for November. :D She is Jean Melgar. She's been reading Project Vanity for years now, I think, and I'm glad to give her the Clinique set as a hearty thank you.
And now, for the December gift!
Ta-dah! The commenter of the month for December will get a VMV Hypoallergenics facial of her choice. The GC is worth P1,500 (the average price of a VMV facial) plus you get a 10% off on all VMV products on that day. Cool right? So join!
So, same mechanics as before! Every month, I'll pick a commenter on my blog. She must be able to leave useful comments, such as sharing feedback about a product I reviewed. It can be a "thank you" comment, or maybe a really good question (I love good questions). A big factor would be the frequency of the reader's comments. Does she always visit? Does she read through the site? At the end of the day though, I always value quality more than quantity. Consistency is key.
Comment away! Am hoping to hear from you. ;) I'll pick the winner during the end of the month.
PS Kindly note that if you already won CoM already, you can't win again. :) Just giving a chance to others!