Winner of my GoodSkin Labs contest
Hi everyone! The GoodSkin Labs represenative has already chosen the winner of my giveaway. I asked the contestants to answer one simple question: What extra skincare step do you take during the summer? This is the winner's answer:
Sunblock is a staple so its not an extra regimen for me. Since I have oily skin and breakouts are prone during this summer (argghhh), my lola, my mom, and my good ol'neighbor taught me to put ice on my skin to close out the pores. What i usually do is: get 2 teabags (i prefer green tea) and heat them up. As soon as mixture cools down, put them into an icecube tray and viola! I use before applying my moisturizer and SPF in the morning and before slumber time.
Excellent tip, right? Congrats, Noemi! We'll be contacting you soon. ^_^