The Smart iPhone 5 is here!

Last Thursday, our friends from Smart gave me the best Christmas present EVER. I'm still so giddy because I thought they were kidding up to the minute that they handed it to me! A few months ago they asked, "Liz do you want an iPhone 5?" And I was like, "Seriously? Er okay sure."

All along I thought that they would send over a loaner or something haha. They were exceedingly kind to give me nothing less but the best phone out there - the iPhone 5! Yes it's finally here, and at crazy affordable prices with Smart. More on that later.

I was at the grand launch in Republiq last Thursday night to join the countdown for the iPhone 5. I finally got to really hang out with Lia, who I always chat with over on Twitter, and her husband Artie. Sisters Vern and Verniece were also there to join the fun.

Vern, Verniece, and Lia (Geek Girl Manila)

Here's what I ended up wearing. It was a tight battle between a sequined skirt or this pleather skirt, but I thought I would be (ha ha) sporty for a change. The outfit is not me but the thing with clothes is you can just, you know, take them off after you wear them. It's always interesting to try out something new!

Folded & Hung jacket, Forever 21 skirt, Ferretti pink clutch, Charles & Keith heels, Parfois bangle, Naccara ring

I bought the F&H cropped hoodie a few weeks ago. I thought it was a great piece at that time, but the more I tried to pair it off with my other clothes, the more I realized it doesn't work. I'm happy I got the chance to finally wear it though! I hope it doesn't rot in my closet like the other jackets I can't seem to stop accumulating. :/

Moving along now! The iPhone 5 is the best fashion and beauty gadget for me because it can take HD video (do look forward to some tutorials in the future!) and great photos. I will also be able to chronicle events better so yay for that! It's a beauty blogger's dream, to have a phone that has fast and reliable data speeds and an awesome camera. :D Of course it's also fab that the phone itself is so sleek and sexy.

From what I read, Smart has the most attractive pricing plan for the iPhone5. I will leave the comparisons to the legit tech bloggers, but I'm sure many can attest to the fact that Smart has the most reliable network. It's been a while since I got a clear phone call with no choppiness or whatever. I am SO glad that I switched to Smart along with the new phone! :)

Do check this link for the complete info on the Smart iPhone 5, but quickly now, here's the summary:

open the photo in a new tab to view a larger version

So there you go. :) Get your Smart iPhone 5 now, then tell me all about it! 

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


My weekend in Instagram: Benefit, BU4, my mother, and menudo


Capsule review: Etude House Christmas Miracle Collection