Boudoir conclusion

Okay so remember my attempt at organizing my dresser? I thought it was okay to have everything generally grouped together and lying around in no particular order. Like I said, I'm not the kind of person who puts things back in place everytime they're used. But after living with my "organizing" efforts for a few days, I realized that it's a failure! I didn't know where my things were half the time. I forget the stuff that I actually have since a lot were buried underneath the ones I've been picking up of late.

Upon your suggestion, I decided to hit the mall for some cases and here's what I found:

These are stackable containers from the Mall of Asia department store. I'm sure they can also be found in places like Saizen, and, well, pretty much everywhere else. They're only P99 each so I got four. And now, my dresser, which looked like this:

Now looks like this!


I am rather proud of this achievement. :P It took me a couple of hours to weed out stuff that I won't use often so that everything will fit, then I arranged everything in place.

Here's how I did it!

On the first row I placed my foundations, powders, and concealers. My face base is the first step in my routine so it's the most visible.

After my base, I put on eyeshadow. I separated the colorful eyeshadows from the neutrals.

Then, blush! No, I'm not OC enough to organize everything by shade category. :P

The case under the blushes are lip balms and primers. Hmm, I should probably take out those primers and put them where they're more visible.

Here are my mascaras (container to the left), eyeliners (in cream and pencil form), and brow products.

On the side are my makeup brushes. I separated my brushes into those for face and eyes.

I placed my lipsticks-of-the-moment in the small basket. I try to rotate everything as much as possible.

The shelves hold my skincare and hair care stuff.

While the drawer has my big eyeshadow palettes, hair brushes, and random stuff I don't want to lose.

And that's it! I'm pretty happy with how I arranged everything. :D What do you think? 

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Guesting at the Unilab Social Media Summit


Zen Zest Coral Eau de Toilette