The future is tomorrow


If I were to have an alternative career outside PR and marketing, it would most likely involve photography, graphic design, and illustration. Much of my work now involves these elements but they're just, let's say, an added value to what I offer my clients. I mean, how can they sell their products effectively if they can't present it in a visually compelling manner? 

Lucy, becoming sentient

Lucy, becoming sentient

Anyway, a few people have been teasing me about putting my art up in an exhibit. It's a nice thought but honestly it's still a long way before I get there. I know I don't have a voice yet; I'm not yet sure about what I want to communicate with my watercolors. The Fantastic Female monster series has a message that means a lot to me, but I'm not sure yet what I want to do outside of it.

Marco, the racer

Marco, the racer

A cafe along Shaw

A cafe along Shaw

A friend of mine advised me to think of the next steps - commercially - I want to take for my art. Well, right now I'm just really doing it to kill time, hash out ideas, clear my head. Let's see where it takes me, if it takes me anywhere. I'm just happy I'm able to do this. ^_^


Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


Under 500 Lipstick Week: Avon Over Nature Lipstick


A lip gloss named Chocolate