My Tokyo Spring 2015 beauty haul

It's easy to get overwhelmed when shopping for beauty products in Tokyo - there are tons of options, and you can easily get lost in a store for hours just looking at everything! So what if you can barely understand what's written on the label? Just seeing the brands and awkward illustrations of how to use them is enough to get the blood pumping haha. I'll blog about where to get your fix next time. For now, here's my modest haul from my last trip to Japan!

You'll notice that there are no cosmetics. I still have a bunch waiting to be used so it's not wise to add to that; skincare and hair care products, particularly Japanese ones, are always nice to have though. They're so cheap too!

I got the new Tsubaki Volume Touch products since I need something to fluff up my hair. I'm kinda annoyed that I mistakenly got the conditioner in the big bottle but fortunately I got the shampoo in the big sachet. The bottled product is about 750 yen, while the one in the sachet (not in photo) is 550 yen both for the shampoo and conditioner.

I also grabbed the famous Shiseido Speedy Perfect Whip facial wash (around 300 or 500 yen I think) and the Shiseido Baby Powder (280 yen). These are drugstore Shiseido products that have quite the reputation in the beauty circle. The Baby Powder in particular is said to be good for oil control and soothing acne-prone skin.


The Skilabo Cleansing Water (around 500 yen) also went into the basket. It's a way cheaper micellar water compared to Bifesta so I'm interested in trying it out! The tiny Tsururi pore brush is 820 yen. It's supposed to be used around the nose with your facial wash to remove black heads and white heads. It was very prominently displayed in all the stores I visited so it must be popular! Can't wait to see if it really works as I would love a quick fix on my yucky blackheads.

Tokyo Beauty Haul 4.jpg

So that's what I got. ^_^ I'll let you know if anything is truly worth hunting down soon! What are you interested in the most?

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


A cute phone case to remind me of spring


Love: Make Up For Ever Step 1 Skin Equalizer Radiant Primer