Air Optix launches new colored lenses that look totally natural
Colored lenses are now considered beauty accessories. Anyone worth her makeup salt would know that a bit of color on the eyes would go a long way in enhancing the look! Whether we're wearing eyeshadow or not, colored lenses can make our eyes sparkle and make them appear more mysterious.
Now, I love my clear lenses but when I'm going to events I want something subtle but flattering on my eyes. I adore Freshlook contacts (raved about them before) but recently, there's a new player in town which delivers more beautiful colored lenses!
Air Optix Color is designed to provide natural-looking eyes with healthy vision and consistent comfort. It happens to be the first silicone hydrogel colored contact lens in the market. But what does that mean?
Silicone hydrogel actually allows plenty of oxygen to pass through the contact lenses, thus enhancing comfort. Oxygen is essential for the health of the cornea, the domed-shaped front part of the eye. Insufficient oxygen may cause corneal swelling and/or lead to irritated, red eyes and uncomfortable lens wear. More oxygen = fresher, less tired eyes with contacts on!
At the launch of Air Optix: Celeb ambassadors Pia Magalona, Maxine Magalona, and Gretchen Ho. These women love having clear vision without sacrificing their style. Air Optix is perfect for them since there's a graded variant that's as comfortable as it is pretty.
I like how Air Optix feels like I'm not wearing anything on my eyes. The color pay off is also realistic, as it combines three colors in one. They're not comparable to cheap lenses that only have one color, which then makes our eyeballs look like plastic. Air Optix are like Your Eyes But Better contacts! Can we make that a thing, YEBB? Haha.
Cheers to beautiful, clear, and healthy eyes!
There are several colors available - from subtle enhancements (pure hazel, blue, green, grey and brown), to bold and striking eyes (brilliant blue, gemstone green, honey and sterling grey). Below I'm wearing Green since it's always been my secret dream to have green eyes f'realz.
So there you have it. Thanks Marj for inviting me! I enjoyed the event, and the contacts even more. ^_^ If you guys are interested in trying this new brand out, you can purchase Air Optix for P1,450 (non-graded) and P1,550 (graded). Only clear ones are available for astigmatism. You can find Air Optix in all leading optical shops nationwide.
Curious, what's your "eyedeal" eye color?
With beauty blogger friends Dior, Angela, Marj, Tara, Tellie, and Shen
This post is brought to you by Air Optix.