The Smackdown: Bifesta vs Bioderma

Ladies and gentlemen, here is a showdown that you’ve all been waiting for! On one side of the ring is Bifesta, our friendly drugstore micellar makeup remover from Japan. On the other side is Bioderma, a world-famous yet rather expensive micellar solution from France. Who wins? 

Both brands can be found in Watsons so availability is no longer a problem for Bioderma, which used to be just available online here. Bioderma will be out by next week. Both are effective in removing makeup without drying up the skin as well as brightening the complexion. No one gets a punch in the first round!

On the second round, Bifesta corners Bioderma on the ropes and delivers a solid hook on the jaw because it’s just so freakin' affordable at only P419 per 300ml bottle. Bioderma is P1,290 /250ml locally, which is quite a jump from the prices in France. (Naturally - the distributor has to pay overhead costs like shipping, taxes, rent, personnel, etc. plus the profit).

Bioderma bounces back strong by the third round, since it’s more efficient at removing makeup compared to Bifesta. A little goes a long way (one squirt), whereas I need to do two to three full pumps per cotton pad with Bifesta. This is quite a large difference! I don’t need to soak the pad with Bioderma to get it to remove one layer of makeup which makes it an economical choice. It has a more potent makeup-dissolving power compared to Bifesta!

At the end of the match, Bioderma knocks out Bifesta because it makes my skin noticeably clearer and brighter. I really felt the difference in my skin’s texture and suppleness after just a few days of Bioderma (the Sensibio to be specific)! It’s been two years since I last used this brand so this is quite a revelation. I honestly thought there wouldn’t be much difference between the two brands but yes, there is. Bioderma, for me, takes itself a step further than just a makeup remover. I consider this a skincare product with visible effects, versus Bifesta which is primarily a cleansing product.

In fact, sometimes I like to just rinse my face after using Bioderma. I don't use facial wash anymore so as not to completely remove the product on my skin. I swear my face looks fresher the morning after.

Don’t get me wrong ha. Bifesta is awesome and it will always have a spot in my beauty routine simply because it's inexpensive and effective at taking off makeup. But Bioderma is definitely better albeit more expensive. At the end of the day, it depends on what you want for your skin and how much you’re willing to spend for it. If you’re on a budget, Bifesta is perfectly amazing. If you can push it a bit more, Bioderma will not disappoint.

What do you think - are you on Team Bifesta or Team Bioderma?

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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