Monday Musings: On Princes, Peace of Mind, and The Endless March of History

Hello there, PV girls! Welcome back to another installment of our Monday Musings. It's that time of the week where we pause for a moment, set aside our skincare routines, and dive deep into the pool of contemplation. Today, we're stepping away from our familiar beauty talks to focus on a different kind of pageantry – one that deals not with the realm of concealers and color palettes, but with crowns and coronations.

We recently witnessed a momentous occasion in British history – the coronation of King Charles III. A historic moment, yes, but one made slightly askew by a noticeable lack of participation. Prince Harry, the younger son of the newly crowned King, was practically excluded from the event. He attended but left as soon as the ceremony was over. He was not part of any family photos, and was not even seated with his family during the coronation.

Prince Harry has always been one to grab headlines, and this time, he's done it not by standing under the spotlight, but by being away from it. This leaves me with a poignant question - is it worth it to miss out on being part of history to pursue your own happiness and peace of mind?

Years ago, this question might have seemed ludicrous to me. To relinquish the privileges of royalty and a potential place in the annals of history for the sake of a quieter life? But as anyone who's ever tried to achieve a perfect cat-eye in a moving vehicle knows, things that seem straightforward often aren't.

A person’s peace of mind can be as elusive as the ideal lipstick shade that lasts all day without drying out your lips. It's subjective. For some, it might mean life in the public eye, their actions documented for posterity. For others, it could be a life away from the public gaze, a life that might be less monumental but certainly less stressful.

We've watched as Harry and Meghan sought their own version of peace, stepping back from royal duties for a life in California. Harry's weak presence in the coronation is a continuation of this pursuit, a choice that emphasizes personal fulfillment over traditional obligations.

So, is it worth it?

I believe it depends on the person. For some, their happiness and peace of mind are intrinsically linked to their impact on history. But for others, happiness is a quieter affair. It's about authenticity, making decisions that reflect their own values, and finding joy in life's simple, everyday moments.

And as for the fear of being forgotten, isn't it more meaningful to be remembered by those who truly know and love you, rather than by history books that may not tell your whole story? History tends to remember the grand gestures, not the personal struggles.

Perhaps it's not about choosing between happiness and history, but about understanding what those terms mean to us individually. Just like beauty, the definition of a life well-lived is in the eye of the beholder.

So, as we embark on another week, let's remember that our personal peace and happiness are as significant as any legacy we might leave behind. Let's not lose sight of our own truths in the face of history's grand narratives - because, at the end of the day, we are the authors of our own stories.

Stay beautiful inside and out, ladies, and see you next week for more Monday Musings!

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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