Staff Picks: Beauty products we always have backups for

As much we love visiting our favorite stores to see what’s new, there are days when our schedules get too busy to include a trip to the mall. We all have beauty staples we can’t ever run out though, so we make sure to always have backups safely stashed away! Hoarding isn’t a bad thing as long as it’s a product you’re sure to use, and if you can buy in bulk or while on sale, we’d definitely recommend springing for extras! Here’s what the PV team can never have enough of.

Liz: Here's something new that I'm stockpiling! I found the Batiste Dry Shampoo at Boots in Bangkok. I've heard so many good things about it before so I just had to try it out. It's only roughly P250-300 too, so if it doesn't work out I wouldn't feel bad. Well, it's awesome! It puffs up my hair and keeps it smelling good on the second day. I still prefer washing my hair of course, but when I just need to step out or work out and don't have time to shower, I just spray this around the roots and the greasiness is gone. It doesn't irritate my sensitive scalp too!

I bought a couple of bottles more during my recent trip to Hong Kong. I heard it's also available in PCX though but I just haven't seen it yet. Love this stuff!

Den: Sadly, there are still no Leaders stores near my area so whenever I do get to visit one or put in a new order at BeautyMNL, I make sure to add a couple of masks to my cart! I don’t keep a lot, maybe about six or so at a time. Mostly I just find it comforting to know that when my skin is feeling extra dry and dull, I can just pick one out from my collection and mask my way to better skin.

Angela: I love buying travel-sized beauty products! Every weekend, I travel back and forth from Manila to my province, so having mini sizes of my favorite toiletries, makeup, and skincare make carrying them around so much more convenient. Travel-sized toiletries are easy to find or simply decant but makeup products are harder to obtain. I still refer to Liz’s guide for makeup minis, while my favorite enabler and fellow PV girl Kim taught me to take advantage of beauty sets - the smaller sizes are cute and they come out so much cheaper, too!

Stacie: It's not really a beauty product but something integral to my routine. I buy cotton in bulk, from Watsons or Daiso or the grocery. I get cotton balls for my toner, and pads for makeup removal. Cotton pads make makeup cleansing so much easier so I can’t risk running out if I want my face to stay clean!

Gett: I don't really bulk buy in general, but like Stacie, I hoard cotton pads! I always make sure to grab a pack whenever we're grocery shopping. I also bulk buy Etude House Drawing Eye Brow pencil since I live far from an EH branch.

Marielle: I get cotton pads as well! Recently, I visited several branches of Daiso to replenish my stash, and I was heartbroken to find that they didn't have any stocks left. Next to that, I hoard face powders/powder foundation compacts. I don't buy them all in one go, but I keep buying the next-next one I'm going to use! I feel less bad about having those backups around though, as I do hit pan on those most often.

Jenn: Oh wow, I don't want to be redundant but I do hoard cotton pads. It's either the kind from Watsons or Daiso, as both are thick enough to my liking and don't easily get drenched.

Claire: I just cannot resist promos on sheet masks! I've never bought just a single one EVER. My biggest buy was from an online seller on pre-order - just P130 for a pack of 10 masks! I'm eyeing Kracie masks next, but honestly, my supply will last me a good three months at least.

Crystal: Like Claire, sheet masks are the only things I buy in bulk. I normally wait for a promo and then buy several. The least I've ever bought were six. My hubby and I use them together so we need to have a supply at home.

Kim: Dealing with super oily skin makes me dependent on oil blotting sheets. I go through one pack so quickly that I really have to buy multiples. I've been loyal to Clean and Clear's Oil Control Film for around three years now!

Do you also buy beauty products in bulk? What items do you hoard? 

Angela Fernando

Age range: 18-23

Skin type/shade: medium with neutral undertones, sensitive

Skin concerns: whiteheads/blackheads, dry lips

Hair type: naturally straight, thick, color-treated

Hair concerns: hairfall and flyaway hair

Eye shape: almond


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