Events, Fragrances Liz Lanuzo Events, Fragrances Liz Lanuzo

A merry Zen Zest Christmas

When I give gifts, I make sure it's something the other person will really use and appreciate. What's the point otherwise? Gifts are meant to be enjoyed by the other party and not just an obligation one must selfishly fulfill. :D Still, a good gift doesn't necessarily have to be expensive. I mean it's great if you can afford to treat everyone you love but that's not always possible! The good news is that there are brands like Zen Zest that come up with great products that are shockingly affordable.

I love the Zen Zest Holiday Sets because they're nicely packaged in a matte box and features products that were specially created just for this season. I'll talk more about them in a bit! For now I want to share lovely photos (from Chai) of the event I organized for Zen Zest last November. :D

We did a Diva-Off contest at Red Box in Greenbelt 5 one Saturday night. Why all the singing, you ask? Well bloggers usually go to sit down lunches and dinners. They're fun, but it can get too common and formal. I wanted to do an event where everyone can just sit back, eat a lot, and have a smashing time in a different setting. So, buffet diva-off it is!  

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Fragrances Liz Lanuzo Fragrances Liz Lanuzo

The refined life

Earlier this morning I was looking for two wayward lipsticks that I haven't seen for months now. I did not find them. What I did find though was this shimmery perfumed hand cream, at which I snorted "What a sad useless thing!" I mean, really, who wants a shimmery perfumed hand cream? Had to stop and think about that. Who?


Apparently, that would be me. I realized that it's these small, seemingly unneccessary things that make life a finer thing to live. You don't need 'em, but when you do have 'em the things around you are a little more exquisite, stylish - refined. I think our grandparents understood this, with their ornate powder cases, silk robes, and hand-rolled cigars. 

What do we have? Shimmery perfumed hand creams. And linen sprays and room diffusers.

Ever since I tried the Daphne Home Scents I can't go back to a diffuser-less condo. Like what Raymond Guttierez said before, we spend a lot on our clothes, but we forget to touch up our home. A diffuser is my small bit of indulgence in much the same way I would wear perfume or accessories.

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Fragrances Liz Lanuzo Fragrances Liz Lanuzo

Zen Zest Coral Eau de Toilette

I think that everyone should have their signature eau de parfum. Something romantically French, upbeat American, posh English, or maybe all of the above! But if you're a teenager or at your first job, I know that it's impractical to spend P3,000+ on a bottle of upscale perfume. Not when there are cute shoes and dresses to be bought.

So if you're not ready to buy your "scent"mate or if you're looking for one without having to spend a lot, I have a recommendation: the Zen Zest Coral Eau de Toilette (P200).

I kid you not, it's only P200! I went 0_0 when I found out, myself. When I first got it, I was assuming it's in the P800-1,000 range. Why? It's gorgeously packaged in a colorful, thick box, while the flacon itself is made of hefty glass. It certainly doesn't feel cheap; you get the visual and tactile feel of a pricey perfume.

Lovely is the best word to describe this scent. It's feminine and soft, very floral and powdery.

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Skincare Liz Lanuzo Skincare Liz Lanuzo

Currently loving: Zen Zest Exfoliating Body Scrub

Last weekend, I was reading a book called Strengthsfinder 2.0. It has an awesome thesis - that many of us don't excel because we're not doing what we do best. We focus so much on overcoming our weaknesses that we overlook the cultivation of our strengths. That makes so much sense, eh? I plan to take the test soon. Wonder what I'll come up with!

Anyway, today I want to talk about a current favorite of mine: the Zen Zest Exfoliating Body Scrub. I've tried a lot of body scrubs and I tend to like most of them. I mean, how complicated can it be? But this Zen Zest one is quite different. It's very dense and thick. It feels nice when I spread it on, like thick luxurious, cool goo! Hehe.

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