Do we need DTI permits to run blog contests?
I woke up with a headache today - it must be from watching Dune (2000 version) and playing Scrabble on the iPad all night. Apparently we are going on a road trip today so I need to fix myself up pronto. Then I saw an email from someone who's writing an article on Inquirer's 2bU asking my opinion on the whole DTI contest permits for bloggers chorva, so I started to update myself on the latest comments for the nth time this week.
Might as well write down my thoughts while I'm answering the writer's questions.
Two things you REALLY need to know about this issue
One, the initiative to require bloggers to get a permit before running contests is not from DTI. It's from one person only, and her name is Janette Toral. You will remember her for her push to create a National Bloggers Association a few months back. She supports the institutionalization of blogging.
As of now, DTI has no official statement about this issue. It is all coming from one person and her personal blogs. I believe she has had a dialogue with DTI about this but only her side and her cause has been heard so far.
Two, a business entity who holds a contest requires a permit. This is not up for discussion. This is already a law - it's called the Consumer Act of the Philippines. The real question is, does this law apply to bloggers and blogger contests?
Two provisions for contention
This is the definition of sales promotion according to CAP.