New Year, Better You: Four tips on how to make exercise a habit
New Year resolutions often focus on adapting healthier habits, particularly a renewed vigor for exercise. While you can technically start that wellness kick anytime, there’s extra motivation for getting your body moving after all the holiday feasts, and before beach season starts! As Angela shared in her article, exercising regularly is one of the more difficult habits to build. I should know: I’ve been there! But I’ve also worked through that funk to finally go to the gym regularly for almost two years now, so if you’re struggling to stick to your fitness goals, I’m sharing my own story in the hope that it inspires you to stay on track.
Makeup for working out: This is Clinique's new line for your next exercise session
Beach season may be over, but the desire to stay healthy should be enough motivation to keep your gym sessions consistent. Getting that post-workout glow (whether naturally or via beauty tricks) doesn’t hurt either! And to keep that healthy flush going before, during, and after your exercise session, Clinique Fit is now in the Philippines with seven new products that keep up with that active lifestyle.