New Year, Better You: Four tips on how to make exercise a habit
New Year resolutions often focus on adapting healthier habits, particularly a renewed vigor for exercise. While you can technically start that wellness kick anytime, there’s extra motivation for getting your body moving after all the holiday feasts, and before beach season starts! As Angela shared in her article, exercising regularly is one of the more difficult habits to build. I should know: I’ve been there! But I’ve also worked through that funk to finally go to the gym regularly for almost two years now, so if you’re struggling to stick to your fitness goals, I’m sharing my own story in the hope that it inspires you to stay on track.
New Year, Better You: Four ways to give yourself a makeover in 2020
I don’t know about you, but I have been so eager to move into the new year! 2019 was a tiring and difficult year that culminated in a breakup of a long relationship, and I felt like the start of a new decade would help to bring about a refreshing change. But as anyone who has ever made a New Year resolution knows, changing one’s self is often a slow and gradual process. It’s a little easier when you start with a few small and simple changes, so why not give yourself a makeover?
New Year, Better You: Six ways to care for your mental health
2020 is not just a new year, it’s also the beginning of a new decade! It’s amazing to realize that in the past ten years, topics that were once deemed taboo are now part of regular conversation. One that is particularly important to PV is taking care of our mental health.
We’ve previously tackled issues like coping with depression and anxiety, and we hope to do more related features. But let’s begin with something that concerns everyone: improving your own mental health as a vital part of your self-care