The road to building my bespoke capsule wardrobe

Even just three years ago, my wardrobe was dictated by the events I needed to go to. I would buy dresses and pieces specifically for an activity and usually I would be under duress because I don’t have that much time to shop. Most of the time, I’d end up with clothes that don’t fit really well or are overpriced off-the-rack because I was in a rush and needed something ASAP. My wardrobe was a mess. Things didn’t really match because there wasn’t any planning whatsoever!

I would often go to something and absolutely hate my outfit because it was uncomfortable or made me look bulky in places I didn’t like. Sometimes, I would go in a store and just buy a new piece of clothing to “fix” the problem before going to wherever I was going and then later on realize that the item doesn’t work with anything else. I unwisely spent so much money in this way and I truly regret that.

All of that changed though when I got my first ever bespoke suit around mid-2019. My husband James is a fan of bespoke clothing even before I met him, so he made me appreciate the value of having a well-curated, thoughtful, and custom-made wardrobe. He and I are very similar in that we don’t have conventional body types. He’s heavy-set in the middle while I’m especially top heavy - things we feel very conscious about. Bespoke clothes address these issues really well and had the unintended effect of making us feel more normal about our bodies.

Weird, right? But here’s the thing. Have you ever gone inside a clothing store and tried, say, a medium because that’s your usual size, only to see the clothes look absolutely terrible on you? It’s tight in the armpits, muffin-topped at the hips. Then you try large, and it looks a little better, but it sags in weird places. Have you ever left a dressing room blaming yourself that you didn’t eat healthy or exercise enough? Like it was really your fault the clothes don’t fit right! I’m here to tell you: it’s not.

With bespoke clothes, there’s none of that noise. I realized that my body is normal in its strangeness, in its unique proportions. It made me understand that the only size I need to fit into is Size Me. The sizing of clothing brands shouldn’t dictate what I can and can’t wear. This is one of the most liberating things I’ve learned in my adult life that has made me accept and love my body for what it is, and not brands say it should be.

Yes, bespoke clothes are more expensive than off-the-rack, but they’re intended to be loved and worn for years if not decades. Think of it this way: a shirt from my tailor is P2,500. A similar shirt from Zara is around P2,300. But the Zara shirt will be much less comfortable, thin out in the laundry faster, and have more trendy elements that will only last a season. So then I will need to buy a new one after half a year or a year whereas my tailored shirt will be good for 3 or 5 years depending on how well I care for it.

I don’t regret a single cent I spent on my bespoke suits, shirts, and dresses. Not only do they fit perfectly to flatter my figure, I designed or collaborated with my tailor or couturier to create classic designs I can match together. Now I repeat clothes ALL the time and only take maybe five or ten minutes to get dressed, no matter how casual or fancy the occasion is.

For me, the main downside of investing in bespoke aside from the cost is the amount of work it takes to create something really good. There are several fittings before the tailor/couturier can get it right, and even when the item is finished, there are still corrections. Then of course you also have to build a good relationship with the tailor/couturier, so that they understand better what you’re looking for and this makes the process smoother. It requires a lot of time! This certainly factors into the cost of building a bespoke, capsule wardrobe.

Don’t get me wrong, I still buy from Uniqlo like everybody else. They have fantastic cotton t-shirts and shorts. Levis has great jeans. Adidas makes the best sports clothes. There are definitely some things that retail brands do better than bespoke ones, and are of good value. I think we can appreciate those too! I just buy rarely now.

To take my #bespokelife a bit further, I’ve actually recently started sewing my own clothes. That’s a different story altogether but yes, it’s really fun and rewarding albeit mega time-consuming.

Have you also been bitten by the bespoke bug? Is it something you’d want to get into some time? And hey, let me know if you’d like me to discuss more fashion topics!

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

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