A good bag makes a good day
I did mention before that I'm not a bag person, so I ever rarely buy bags for myself. This is why I super appreciate it whenever I get good bags as a gift. XP I got this plastic/mesh bag with orange pleather straps from Avon. It's where they housed their press samples of the recently launched Advance Techniques haircare line (more on that soon).
It's the kind of bag I can actually bring everywhere shamelessly since there are no tawdry logos or details. It's simple, elegant, and looks well-made. It reminds me a little of this cute line of bags from Furla:
The clear/orange bag was loaded with haircare goodies from Avon. First impression: everything smells really, really good! Can't wait to try out the treatment products.
Have a great Saturday, everyone! Oh, don't forget to drop by the Simply Felice/ Ferretti booth at the SuperSale Bazaar. Here's what you'll find there. Use the discount coupon, alright? ;)