Sense and sensibility in fashion
I was surfing through the interwebs yesterday when I saw a young personal blogger wearing a questionable outfit. I won't go into details but the look is so wrong on so many levels! I'm not being mean or trying to position myself as a fashion expert, but I will think of myself as sensible when it comes to clothes. And the things that I am seeing some young women wear these days do not make a lot of sense.
I wore this when I met Daniel Matsunaga last year. I wish. I didn't.
I know I've worn some questionable outfits in the past myself (above), but I have learned not to repeat my mistakes thanks to some people's catty comments. Criticism is painful - often unbearably so - but they need to be said and heard if anyone is to move forward. And this is what I think about the fashion blogger culture and their truckloads of followers.
Do not aspire to (e.g. copy) everything that fashion bloggers show you. That sounds harsh, but again, I am not trying to be mean. Famous fashion bloggers are famous for a bunch of reasons - they are pretty, with (usually) svelte and willowy figures, and they are one step ahead of local trends.
If you are not any of those things, then restrain yourself from copping all their looks. The things they wear do not translate to all figures and coloring.
Now, I understand that there is a growing movement of fashion-conscious Filipinas. I love it! It's about time! Fashion bloggers are a big part of that movement since they are powerful influencers. However, they also seem to have changed the rules of the game - print on contrasting print, socks with heels, heavily layered accessories, brightly colored hair - all these things are now fashion du jour.
These bloggers look fantastic on photos and even carry their looks with panache in real life. They look different and exciting and out of this world, which is how they have made their names in all media. I admire and respect that.
But how does all that influence reflect to normal people like you and I?
We have women with less than flattering outfits trying to make it like fashion bloggers on the street. Like I said above, I love it that Filipinas are now trying to be more fashionable. But maybe, just maybe, we have to try to look good first instead.
If you're one of those people who doesn't care what everybody else thinks about what they look then by all means, go crazy on your clothes! Seriously! Congratulations for not giving a shit. I am not even being sarcastic here. I'm happy for you since you can go through life untouched.
But if you are someone who cares about what your co-workers, friends, and family think - not necessarily obsessively, but enough to respect their opinion to want them to respect you - then take a serious look at your wardrobe. What have you been wearing lately? Do they honestly flatter you?
The runways, magazine editorials, and bloggers give us a sensibility, a fantasy when it comes to prevailing or upcoming trends. It is up to us to have the good sense to absorb or discard what they are suggesting.