Monday Musings: Is Being Delulu In Fact A Good Solulu?
Last week, I had a conversation with a friend that not only opened my eyes but also inspired me to rethink how I approach my goals. You see my friend lives by the mantra "delulu is the solulu" (being delusional is the solution), and boy, does she practice what she preaches!
She is the kind of person who believes in the power of dreams to an extent that makes the impossible seem merely a stepping stone away. During our conversation, she pointed out something that struck a chord with me. She said, "Liz, you're not convinced enough that you're going to achieve your goals." It was a wake-up call. She's right; sometimes, I get so caught up in the planning and strategizing that I forget to truly believe in the end result.
The Death of Self-Doubt by Liz Lanuzo, acrylic on canvas
She convinced me of the importance of having a vision board, something that she’s maintained for as long as she can remember. My friend doesn't just have one; she has several, each one more specific than the last. Her belief? The more detailed your vision, the better. And she has the stories to prove it. One of the most touching tales she shared was how she envisioned her son's ashes being blessed by the Pope. Yes as in the actual Pope in the Vatican. Against all odds, through what can only be described as sheer luck, it happened just a couple of years ago.
But it doesn't stop there. My friend also dreamed that her homeware brand would someday collaborate with Malacañang. And guess what? It's happening. She recently got invited to showcase her products at a prestigious event that was attended by the President and First Lady. If that's not testament to the power of belief and visualization, I don't know what is.
Her stories have inspired me to be more specific with my goals. It's not enough to plan to win; I need to visualize winning, to immerse myself in the feeling of achieving that specific thing. And I think there's something incredibly powerful in that.
So, how can we apply this "delulu" philosophy to our own lives? Here are some exercises to help us visualize our success and make our dreams a reality:
Create Your Own Vision Board: Start by collecting images, quotes, and anything else that represents your goals. Don't just think about what you want to achieve; focus on how achieving these goals will make you feel. Place your vision board somewhere you'll see it every day.
Visualization Meditation: Spend a few minutes each day closing your eyes and vividly imagining yourself achieving your goals. Envision the emotions, the setting, and even the sounds around you. Make it as real as possible in your mind.
Write Your Success Story: Imagine it's a few years from now, and you've achieved everything you've set out to do. Write a detailed story about your success, how you got there, and how it feels. This exercise can be incredibly motivating.
Affirmations: Create positive affirmations that align with your goals. Repeat them to yourself daily. Words have power, and by affirming our goals, we're setting the stage for them to manifest.
Take Inspired Action: Visualization is powerful, but it needs to be paired with action. Identify small steps you can take towards your goals and start incorporating them into your daily life. Take it one step further by always keeping on the lookout for opportunities, and pursue those threads to get you to where you need to be.
My friend’s belief in the power of being "delulu" as a solution has inspired me to adopt a more specific approach to my goals. It's about believing in the beauty of our dreams with such conviction that we force the universe to (occasionally, at least) conspire in our favor.
Let's start this week with a renewed sense of purpose and a vivid picture of our dreams. Let's dream big and believe even bigger.