The Price of Perfection: Kylie Jenner and the Vicious Cycle of Beauty Standards

In a recent episode of Hulu’s “The Kardashians,” Kylie Jenner, 26, opened up about the hate she’s received over the years regarding her appearance and plastic surgery. “It’s like a miracle that I still have confidence and I can still look in the mirror and think that I am pretty,” Kylie admitted to her sister Kendall Jenner. This candid confession highlights a troubling paradox: Kylie, an influencer with millions of followers and who has shaped modern beauty standards, is also a victim of the industry she helped create.

During Paris Fashion Week in September 2023, Kylie decided to wear less makeup, only to be criticized yet again. “I’m wearing too much makeup and it’s like, ‘You’re wearing too much makeup.’ Then I go and I don’t wear a lot of makeup and someone catches me in a weird light,” she lamented. The scrutiny and the hurtful comments have taken a toll on her mental health, as she explained, “I just hear nasty things about myself all the time.”

This vicious cycle is a reminder of the unrealistic beauty standards in our culture - so unrealistic that THE beauty standard herself is not good enough for us. Kylie’s struggle with public opinion underscores the need for radical honesty about our beauty goals. We must ask ourselves why we pursue certain looks and whether they align with our true sense of self-worth.

But that’s the thing: it’s easier said than done. How do we even battle against low self-esteem? For many, it’s a lifelong journey that requires constant self-reflection and a shift in perspective. It means being honest with ourselves about why we feel the need to conform to certain beauty standards and whether these standards genuinely make us happy. It also involves seeking support from friends, family, or even professionals who can help us process our insecurities.

It's crucial to remember that beauty is subjective and personal. What one person finds beautiful, another might not. The key is to find what makes you feel confident and empowered. Kylie’s journey of dissolving her lip fillers and embracing a more natural look is a step in the right direction. It’s about finding a balance between self-expression and self-acceptance.

Moreover, as consumers of media and followers of beauty influencers, we need to cultivate a more critical eye. We should be aware of the filters, editing, and behind-the-scenes work that go into creating the images we see online. By understanding the reality behind these images, we can begin to appreciate our own natural beauty and the beauty of those around us.

Ultimately, the best way to combat low self-esteem and break the cycle of unrealistic beauty standards is through radical self-acceptance and honesty. It's about redefining what beauty means to us individually and collectively, celebrating our unique features, and being kind to ourselves and others. Kylie’s story is a powerful reminder that even those who seem to have it all struggle with these issues. By fostering a culture of compassion and authenticity, we can create a more inclusive and positive definition of beauty.

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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