Monday Musings: Old School Blogging

I used to be able to write articles here like I’m just breathing - well, with a little bit of wrangling to get the words just so - but now it’s tough to settle my mind and be able to just focus. Are you experiencing the same thing? I like to blame my addiction to social media and the instant gratification it shoots straight into my brain’s pleasure receptors, but maybe it’s also just age. Our problems, whimsies, and random puffs of thought smoke clutter up our minds the same way objects clutter up our house. It’s just the side effect of being alive.

October has been an incredibly busy month for me, for which I am eternally grateful. The 15th Project Vanity Anniversary Event was successful and we also have mini-workshops for the beauty community with amazing brands like Laneige and Shiseido. James and I just celebrated our ninth anniversary together and third year being married. And then, I’m traveling for the next couple of weeks to two different countries, which I feel both dread and excitement about. I never enjoy traveling too much because I need time to recover in between trips. How do other people do it? I am going to Chiang Mai on a holiday while my husband speaks at a conference and then I’m going to Hong Kong for work.

Lately I often wonder if the pandemic was just a bad dream. That’s hyperbole - obviously it happened - but I say this to mean that the lockdowns distorted my perception of time. In the thick of it, time seemed to crawl like a tiny, energetic millipede across a tennis court. I spent days not knowing what actual day it was; hours not knowing the time. When I look back on 2020 to 2022 though I feel like those years just flew by. Everything and nothing happened all within the same time frame.

It’s already Christmas next month and then the New Year after. Right now I still feel like it’s sometime mid-March, when things are new and heating up but there’s still an entire year ahead.

I miss blogging like this. I’m not sure that anyone wants to read it, but I will just think of it as if I am writing a letter to myself. And to you, the person reading this right now. There’s this thing online where celebrities read real letters of real people out loud to an audience. Some letters are funny, some are ridiculous, a few are sad, others inspiring. This letter - I don’t know. It’s a slice of life. It’s me letting you know I’m ok. I hope you’re ok too.

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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