Barbie now comes in curvy, tall, and petite bodies
When we were kids we'd play with Barbie and admire her creamy Caucasian skin, blue eyes, and impossibly proportioned figure. We wanted to be her and have her cool, colorful life and handsome boy toy! In the last few years, however, Barbie has gotten a bad rap. She stood for an unrealistic, myopic, and ultimately damaging standard for beauty. She became outdated and decreasing sales proved it.
Today, in an effort to be more inclusive and to encourage body positivity, Mattel announced the release of three new Barbie bodies: Curvy, Tall, and Petite. They will join the Original Barbie (safe name, ha). The new dolls will be released throughout the year, and includes 4 body types, 7 skin tones, 22 eye colors, and 24 hairstyles along with trendy new outfits.
I know you girls are smart enough to know that your body type is beautiful without needing a plastic doll to affirm it, but today is a fine day to be a woman of any size, don't you agree? ^_^ What do you think of the new Barbies?