Taking a Pause: How to Regain Calm When You're Feeling Overwhelmed

Life, am I right? It has this funny way of piling things on when you least expect it. Between work, family, friends, and the constant ping of notifications from social media, it’s no wonder we feel like we’re barely keeping our heads above water sometimes. I’ve been there—staring at my to-do list with a sinking feeling in my chest, wondering how I’m going to get it all done without losing my sanity.

If you’re nodding along right now, trust me, you’re not alone. When life feels like it’s spiraling out of control, the best thing you can do is take a pause. But how do we actually do that in a way that’s effective and not just another thing to stress about? Let’s talk about why pausing is essential and how to make it a natural part of your daily rhythm.

The Importance of Pausing

Here’s the thing: when we’re overwhelmed, our first instinct might be to just power through, thinking that if we can just tick off those last few things, we’ll feel better. But let me tell you from experience—pushing through when you’re already at your limit is a one-way ticket to Burnoutville. Pausing isn’t about being lazy or avoiding your responsibilities; it’s about giving your mind the space it needs to catch up and reset.

Think of it like this: when your phone starts acting up, what’s the first thing you do? You restart it. And more often than not, that fixes the problem. Your mind works the same way. When you’re caught up in a whirlwind of tasks and emotions, taking a moment to pause can clear the mental fog and help you return to your tasks with a fresh, focused perspective.

How to Take a Pause When You're Overwhelmed

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings

Let’s start with some real talk: when you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay to admit it. There’s no need to be a superhero 24/7. If you’re feeling anxious, stressed, or just plain tired, acknowledge it. Sometimes we push our feelings aside because we think we should be able to handle it all, but bottling it up just makes things worse in the long run. Give yourself permission to feel whatever you’re feeling—trust me, it’s the first step to taking control.

2. Breathe Deeply

This one’s a classic for a reason. When I’m feeling like I’m about to lose it, I take a moment to breathe. Not those shallow, half-hearted breaths, but deep, intentional ones. Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold it for four, then exhale through your mouth for four. It sounds simple, but it’s like hitting the reset button on your brain. Plus, it gives you a chance to literally catch your breath before diving back into whatever’s stressing you out.

3. Step Away from the Situation

Sometimes, the best way to deal with a stressful situation is to just walk away—literally. If you can, step away from your desk, your laptop, or whatever’s making you feel overwhelmed. Go outside, take a quick walk, or just move to another room. Changing your environment, even just for a few minutes, can help you gain a new perspective and calm your mind. When you come back, you’ll likely find that the problem doesn’t seem quite as daunting.

4. Engage in a Grounding Activity

Grounding activities are a game-changer when you’re feeling out of sorts. For me, it could be something as simple as making a cup of tea, washing my face, or spraying a favorite perfume and just inhaling the scent. These small, tangible actions help bring you back to the present moment and anchor your thoughts. They’re a gentle reminder that, despite the chaos, there’s still calmness and control within your reach.

5. Practice Mindfulness or Meditation

I know, I know—mindfulness and meditation might seem like buzzwords these days, but hear me out. These practices really do help when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Mindfulness is all about being present without judging yourself, while meditation can help quiet that incessant mental chatter. Even if you’re not a seasoned meditator, just sitting quietly and focusing on your breath for a few minutes can do wonders. And hey, if guided meditation is more your style, there are tons of apps out there to help you out.

6. Prioritize and Simplify

Okay, so you’ve taken a pause—now what? When you’re ready to dive back in, don’t just throw yourself at everything all at once. Take a moment to prioritize. What absolutely needs to be done right now, and what can wait? Simplify your to-do list if you can. Break down larger tasks into bite-sized pieces that feel more manageable. Remember, you don’t have to conquer the world in a day—small, steady progress is still progress.

7. Talk It Out

There’s something incredibly therapeutic about talking things through with someone you trust. Whether it’s a friend, a partner, or even a colleague, sometimes just airing out your frustrations can lighten the load. You might even get some advice or a new perspective that helps you tackle your to-do list more effectively. And if all else fails, at least you’ll have someone who gets it, which can be comforting in itself.

These days, it’s easy to feel like you have to keep moving no matter what. But here’s the truth: you have the power to pause. The world won’t end if your tasks do not get accomplished right this minute. When life gets overwhelming, taking a moment to breathe and reset can make all the difference. By building these pauses into your day—whether through deep breathing, mindfulness, or just stepping away—you can regain control and approach your tasks with a clearer mind and a calmer heart. So go ahead, give yourself permission to pause. You’ve earned it.

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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