Monday Musings: How To Refill Your Cup When Burn Out Sets In

In the hustle to meet deadlines, attend endless meetings, and balance a semblance of personal life, we often find ourselves on the fast track to burnout city. The exhaustion creeps in silently, often masquerading as a bad mood or a lack of creative spark until we hit a wall, and the dread settles in. Before we know it, we’re questioning our capabilities, feeling uninspired, and the world suddenly lacks the luster it once had.

And so, here are a few ways that we can process our burn out! It takes time and consistency in the effort, but it’s well worth it to follow these few steps.

Listen to Your Body

The initial step to warding off burnout is to tune in to what our body and mind are signaling. A constant state of fatigue, irritability, and a lack of motivation are red flags that shouldn’t be ignored. It's not about pushing through tirelessly; it’s about acknowledging when to pause.

Peel Off The Pressure

Often, the roots of burnout are entangled in the immense pressure we place on ourselves. It's crucial to strip away the layers of perfectionism and unrealistic expectations. This is where your beauty routine can be a sanctuary. Allow yourself the grace of a few minutes each day to indulge in skincare or a makeup routine that makes you feel rejuvenated. It’s a form of self-respect, a small yet significant way to reclaim parts of your day and replenish your spirit.

Discover New Horizons

Sometimes, shaking off the staleness requires a little experimentation. Venture beyond your usual palette, try a new skincare routine, or even explore different styles that make you feel invigorated and empowered. The thrill of discovery can reignite the spark that burnout may have dimmed.

Social Sabbatical

In this digital age, detaching from the constant pings of notifications and the endless scroll of social media is a luxury. Take time off from the digital chaos to reconnect with yourself, even if it's for a few hours each day. It's astounding what a little silence can unveil.

Nourish to Flourish

Lastly, don’t underestimate the power of nourishment. Healthy meals, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are the pillars that hold us through taxing times. Treat your body kindly, and it will reciprocate with resilience.

Burnout is a silent scream for a change. It’s a cue to reevaluate the pace at which we’re moving, the pressures we place upon ourselves, and the boundaries we may or may not have set. It’s about rekindling the lost connection with oneself amidst the cacophony of daily demands. Remember, there’s an unparalleled beauty in a soul that’s at ease, and the journey from burnout to brilliance is one worth embarking upon. So take that breath, pamper yourself, and remember, your well-being is the most beautiful trait you can wear, always.

Liz Lanuzo

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

I eat makeup for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


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